Gamaran Wiki
47 Corps Arc
47 Corps Arc


Journey to Jouka Saga



Previous Arc:

Year Later Arc

Next Arc:

Ayanaka Forest Arc

47 Corps Arc is the fourteenth arc of the Gamaran series. This arc is where Gama faces against the 47 corps and their leader Kibe Ryuuhou, after he is seperated from Shinnojou and Zenmaru.


Day of Departure[]

Days later, Shinnojou, Zenmaru, Gama, and Kashitarou all prepare to leave. Shinnojou then says that they are leaving, which Rintarou tells them to come back to the viilage again. Rintarou then tells Kashitarou to not get in their way, which Kashitarou says that he won't be getting in their way. Kamedenbou then says that he will be coming to and for Shinnojou to take care of everyone until he arrives. Senka then tells Gama to, while Yumeji sasy for him to come back. Gama then says that he will be victorious, and to not look worried. Shinnojou then says that they are off and then they all leave.

The Night Before[]

Rintarou then asks Kamedenbou if everything is going to be alright, which Yumeji that everything will be because that is what Gama said. Yuemji then remembers that night before when they made their plans. Kamedenbou then tells Gama, Shinnojou, Zenmaru, and Kashitarou that he wants them to Jouka, which Shinnojou asks what they should do when they get their. Kamedenbou then tells them that they should scout the area, which Gama and Zenmaru says that they won't give them any leeway. Kamdenbou then says that he has an ally in Jouka, and then shows then the location that will be their headquarters in Jouka. Zenmaru, Masato, and Kosaburo then plan the write the location down, but Shinnojou tells them to not write it down incase the enemy gets ahold of the location. Kamedenbou then tells them to be prepared and that this will be a fight to the death. Yumeji then tells them to not to go, which everyone then tells her that they aren't going to lose and that they will all come back. Yumeji then tells her father that the Ogame School will win and that Gama will be coming back.

Starting the Journey[]

The next day, Kashitarou is exhausted and asks if they are in Unabara yet, which Gama says that they will arrive at the entrance soon. Shinnojou then asks why won't they let him lead, which Zenmaru says that it would take more then three day to get their. Gama then notices the rope bridge and says that they are at the entrance to Unabara. Zenmaru then rushes over and says that he will be the first to cross, which Shinnojou asks what he will do about the guy on the other side. Kashitarou then says that their are two of them, which Zenmaru says that the Muhou School is already moving. Shinnojou says that the Muhou School must have a ot of confidence to ambush them with only two men. Kashitarou then tells Zenmaru that he will face them, and that he is forbid to use Sadanaga until they get to Jouka. Zenmaru then asks why, which Kashitarou says that he wants Zenmaru to get stronger. Zenmaru then accepts and then walks onto the bridge to face the opponents.

Battle of the Bridge[]

One of the Muhou Soldiers walks onto the bridge, which Zenmaru then notices that something is wrong with him. Shinnojou then talks with Kashitarou about how the Muhou Soldier must have a plan. Gama then asks if Zenmaru will be okay becasue he is getting an eerie feeling from the soldiers. Zenmaru then tells Gama to not interfere and that he has to get stronger in order to to defeat the Muhou School. Zenmaru then takes a stance, which a soldier then pulls out a ring. Kashitarou then explains that its a chakram and what its used for. The soldier then throws it, which Zenmaru notices that the support ropes have be cut. Zenmaru then loses his balance, and then notices that the other soldier is attacking. Zenmaru then blocks the attack, but is still knocked down. Zenmaru then dodges the next attack, and thinks about the strength that the soldier has. Zenmaru then notices another chakram and diverts it. Zenmaru then notices that the other one is gone, which he then notices that the soldier went under the bridge. Zenmaru then blocks the attack and says that he was just like the soldier is a years ago, and that he is different now. Zenmaru then cut the soldiers arm off and says that he wins, which Kashitarou says to not let his guard down. The soldier then gets up and Zenmaru wonders what is wrong with him. Shinnojou then yells behind Zenmaru, and Zenmaru notices the other soldier behind him. Shinnojou then slash the soldier and tells Zenmaru to run but Zenmaru it caught by the other soldier. The bombs that the soldier was carrying then explodes. Elsewhere, a muhou soldier hears that noise and says that one is down. Kibe Ryuuhou then says that they are not the kind of people that would be finished off like that and the says that they shall eliminate the Ogame School.


Later, Kibe and another soldier check the bridge. The soldier says that the Ogame School is finished, but Kibe says that they are still alive. The soldier then asks what they should do, which Kibe was that they will find them and that he will destroy the Ogame School. Elsewhere, Kashitarou is complaining about the two soldier and that they were seperated from Shinnojou and Zenmaru. Kashitarou then asks if they should looks for Shinnojou and Zenmaru because they jumped off the bridge before it exploded, which Gama says no because it would take to long. Gama then says that Shinnojou and Zenmaru are alive and that they will be heading to Jouka. Kashitarou and Gama then stops and take a break. Gama then asks why the soldiers blow themselves up, which Kashitarou says that he doesn't now. Kashitarou then says that their was something strange with the soldiers. Gama then asks what are the soldiers, which Kashitarou says that he does know and that he thinks that they are going to face a new dangerous opponent.

About The 47th Corps[]

In Jouka, Nachi is talking with Riichirou about using the 47th corps. Riichirou then says that since the two units Ango sent was defeated, he sent the 47th corps because it would be a great opportunity for them. Riichirou then reveals that he has given the 47th corps the human enpowering tool Jugan. Nachi then says that their are those that opposed the Jugan, which Riichirou says that its a good time to prove its usefulness. Riichirou then explains how the Jugan works and then explains how strong the person that takes the Jugan becomes. Elsewhere, the 47th corps appear above Gama and Kashitarou, and the soldiers then take a Jugan.

The 47th Corps Attacks[]

Kashitarou then proposes that they take a break, which Gama says no and then says that something is coming. Gama then notices someone above him and dodges. Gama then notices the guy strength and then notices that their is another one. Gama then notices that the other guy all skin and bones, and then dodges the guys punch. Gama is then shocked that the guy broke the cliff, and how the guy was able to summon so much strength. Gama then thinks about how these guys are the same as the ones from the bridge, which Kashitarou then says they are surrounded. Gama then tells Kashitarou then he will handle this and that it will make good pratice. In Jouka, Riichirou wonders if the Ogame School can defeat the Jugan enhanced 47th corps unit.

Gama Kurogane Vs. the 47th Corps[]

Kibe then tells Yashichi that this will be interesting and then wonder if Gama win against their power. Kashitarou then tells Gama that these guys are the same as the ones from the bridge, which Gama says that he will have to show off a little bit and that he won't lose here. One of the soldiers then charges, which Gama spins and kills the guy. Kashitarou then thinks about what Gama did and for Gama to not let his guard down because his opponents have amazing strength. Gama then notices the sword that another guy has, who then creats a smokescreen. Kashitaoru then thinks about how Gama has lost track of his opponent, which the guy then attacks Gama from behind. Gama then diverts the attack and then cut the guy down. Kibe then comments about Gama skills and how Gama is not tied down in the battle. A spearman then attacks Gama, which Gama eaasily disarms the spearman. The spearman then attack again, but Gama kills him with Kosen. Gama then says that their are three left and for the to step forward and meet their demise.

The Master of the Jugan[]

Elsehere, Zenmaru wakes up, which Shinnojou says that he would have left him if he hadn't. Shinnojou then tells him that they jumped into the river in order to escape the explosion and that Zenmaru is slightly injured. Zenmaru then asks about Gama and Kashitarou, which Shinnojou tells him that they have been seperated. Shinnojou then says that  they have to leave, because he feels a presence and that the mountain smells of blood. Elsewhere, Kibe comments about how Gama was able to kill three in the blink of an eye. Kibe then says that he will take Gama on and that Yashichi will tells the story that will cause people to call him the god of war. Kibe then eats a Jugan. In Jouka, Nachi asks Riichirou if the 47th corps can destroy the Ogame School, becuase the Jugan will put the corps at a disadvantage. Riichirou then says that the disadvantage will disappear and that Kibe Ryuuhou is the only one who can bring out the turns power of the Jugan. Riichirou then explains that the first pill only tears down the mental suppression that limits the strength and that the second one will awaken the consumers true power. Riichirou then explains that all the test subject had died after taking the second pill and that Kibe is the only one who can handle the second pill. Elsewhere, Kibe that a second pills and says that he will surpass humanity. Kibe then says that his former self has been replaced and then says that he is coming Gama. Down the cliff, finished off another one, and then notices that the last one is chasing Kashitarou. Gama then charges but notices that something is coming from above. Kibe then crashes on top of the last one and then introduces himself. Gama then thinks that Kibe is back news and takes a stance.

Gama Kurogane Vs. Kibe Ryuuhou[]

Gama then says that kibe doesn't look typical, which Kibe says that Gama is Jinsuke's son and that he is worthy for being taken down by him. Kashitaoru then notices Kibe's sword, which Kibe tells them that its Kokusosou and what it is. Gama then thinks about how won't be able to blocks Kibe's weapon and that he will have only two times to attacks. Gama then thinks about then both and that the only problem he has is with the speed that kibe is capable of swinging it. Yachishi then notices what Gama is going to do and says that its not going to be easy. Kibe then says that he has passed the human boundaries with the drug and then attacks Gama. Gama then dodges and is then shocked by the power and speed that the attacks had. Kibe then attacks again, which Gama dodges and thinks about how their is not room for an opening. Gama then notices that he has back up to a wall, which Kibe then attacks again. Gama then wonder who this guy is, which Yashichi then remember when Kibe had talked with Riichirou about not losing. Yashichi then remember when Riichirou began his Jugan testing on Kibe and then thinks that Kibe should show us the power that he has obtained. Kibe then attacks, which Gama then dodges and furthers the distance between from Kibe. Kibe then notices that he is wounded, which Yashichi wonders what Gama did. Kashitarou then thinks about how Gama used Shidensen when he pushed off the cliff, and Gama thinks about how he won't lose to someone who uses the power of a drug. Kibe then says that Gama won't be able to dodge his next attack, which Gama says that he is going to deny the power of the drug.

Ginki Gets Serious[]

Kibe then tells Gama that strength is everything and that a warrior loses everything when they lose. Kibe then says that that is the reason why he obtained this power and takes a stance. Yashichi then notices Kibe's stance and thinks that Kibe is getting serious and that Gama can't beat Kibe. Kibe then attacks with a thrust, which Gama dodges. Gama then thinks about the attack, and notices that kibe is attacking again. Gama is then barely hi in the head, which Gama drops to his knee. Kibe then compliments Gama and then tells Gama that he will show him hell, and takes a stance. Gama then thinks about how Kibe's stance has changed, and Yashichi notices that Kibe is going to use his secret attack. Kibe then attacks with Gousenga and barely hits Gama. Kibe then thinks about how its useless, and then swing his weapon. Kibe then thinks about how his weapon doesn't just blunt, but the claws shred flesh. Gama then pushes off the weapon and wounds Kibe by spinning. Kibe then thinks about how Gama was able to how Gama was able to get out of his attack, which Yashichi wonder if Gama's strength exceed's Kibe's. Gama then says that no pill will ever hold a candle to the training he has done, and that he will show him what his sword can do.

Gama Gets Serious[]

Gama then says that he has seen everything Kibe has, which Kibe thinks that he is going to lose. Kibe then remembers when his father was kill and then thinks that he can't lose. Kibe then attacks but Gama evades and wounds Kibe. Kibe then thinks about how Gama's speed is increasing and then decides to put some distance between them. Gama then keeps up with Kibe, which Kibe about how he is being put on the defensive. Kashitarou then thinks about how Gama's movements are increasing during the battle and that Gama is still in his growth phase. Gama then attacks, which Kibe bloks it and thinks that Gama's claws are weak. Kibe then this about how he is stronger and raises his weapon above is head. Kibe then attacks, which Gama dodges and gets on top of Kokusosou. Gama then attacks with Shidensen and wounds Kibe in the shoulder. Gama then tells Kibe that he has lost and that he can't weild his weapon anymore.

Kibe's Last Resort[]

Kibe then says that his pride consists of his strength and victory, and that he is only fears defeat. Kibe then remember when his family lost everything after his father was killed by a ronin. Kibe then says that he won't lose and that Gama will die in a instant. Kibe then pulls out pulls out something, and Yashichi notices what it is. Kashitarou then says that Kibe is going to use more drugs, which Gama tells him to not rely on the drug anymore. Kibe then tells him that this is the power that he risked his life for and injects himself. Kashitarou then thinks about how Kibe has inject the drug directly into his vein. Yashichi then thinks about the strength that Kibe will have and how Kibe will also die. Kibe then explains how it doesn't matter if he doesn't has skill because he was able to obtain pure strength and victory this way. Gama then thinks that this is wrong and if his dad betrayed them to create warriors like Kibe.

Kibe's Strength[]

Gama then says that he is going to disprove his strength and takes a stance. Kibe then says that he is going to come and takes a stance. Gama then thinks that Kibe is going to wield his weapon one handly. Kibe then charges and attacks Gama, which gama barely dodges and thinks about how much force their was. Kibe then attacks again, which Gama then dodges. Gama then attacks, but is shocked when Kibe catches the sword. Gama then thinks about how he can't move his sword and then wonders where that strength comes from. Kibe then says that he can still destroy Gama, and punches him. Gama then lets his sword go and blocks the punch with his arms, but is pushed back. Kashitarou then thinks about how is trying to us overwhelming strength to defeat Gama. Kibe then compliments Gama for dodging a fatal injury. Kashitarou then thinks about how Gama was able to avoid a fatal injury, and that it will be fatal if Gama takes on more.

Kibe's Defeat[]

Kibe then explains why martial arts what created and that he will show him that strength that martial arts can't oppose. Kibe then attacks but Gama dodges it. Kashitarou then thinks about the trust that Kibe did and how it had so much speed and power. Kibe then attacks again, and barely hit Gama in the head. Yashichi then thinks about how Gama has lost alot of strength and that the match will end soon. Gama then thinks about how he has trained all his life and the friends that he has made, along with the people that has fought against. Gama then attacks with Shidensen, which Kibe then also attacks. Gama and Kibe then clash, which result in Kibes losing his fingers. Kashitarou then thinks about how Gama was aiming for Kibe's fingers, which Yashichi thinks about how Gama has super human skills and that its Gama's victory. Gama then thinks about finishing Kibe, but stops when Kibe coughs up blood.

Kibe's Path[]

Kibe then drops to his knees and tells Yashichi to give him more of the Jugan. Yashichi then notices that the effets of the vascular injection has worn off and that Kibe's strength is less then that of an ordinary human. Kibe then continues to beg for more of the Jugan, which Gama says that Kibe's sorry state is the end point of the path that he is on. Yashichi then shows up and says that they have no chance of winning. Yashichi then asks Gama to acknowledge Kibe's strength because their thrust for strength is genuine. Gama then says that he can't acknowledge Kibe's path and that he won't cut Kibe down. Gama then compliments Kibe's strength and his obsession for victory. Yashichi then picks Kibe up and asks if it is okay to let them go. Gama then says that is pointless to cut them down and then asks if Kibe is going to die. Yashichi then says that he doesn't know and that he is going to take Kibe somewhere to live quietly. Before leaving, Yashichi worns Gama and Kashitarou about the Leader's Personal Corps.

The Bandits[]

Elsewhere, Zenmaru and Shinnojou are walking on a path, when Zenmaru says that the smell of blood is getting stronger. Shinnojou then says that a considerable amount of people must have died and that their are bandits around here. Shinnojou and Zenmaru then come across corpse, which Shinnojou notices the they are the bandits. Shinnojou then notices that the way that the bandits have died and thinks about how their is only one person capable of doing this. Elsewhere, Yashichi is thinking about Gama's strength and how he might be able to defeat the Muhou School. Muraku then appears behind Yashichi and thinks about how Gama was able to put on a good fight. Muraku then says that would perfer to latch onto Gama right now.

New about the Ogame School[]

In Jouka, Ranmaru informs Naoyoshi that the Ogame School has defeated all their units and is head to Jouka. Ranamru then says that Gama has said that he will not be defeated until he rescues Naoyoshi. Naoyoshi then asks if Gama is near by, which Ranmaru tells him yes. Elsewhere, then advisors and commanders have assembled infront of Jinsuke. Nachi then informs Jinsuke that the Ogame School have defeated the 47th Corps. Nachi then says that the Ogame School will make it to Jouka, which Jinsuke says that of course they will because they intend to defeat him. Jinsuke then tells them all to defeat the Ogame School and to crush then will all their might.

Riichiou and Ango[]

After the meeting, Riichirou is walking in the hall and thinking about how he thought that the Ogame School would have been defeat by the 47th Corps. Riichirou then thinks about what to do next, when he meets with Ango. Ango then calls Riichirou a bastard for using the 47th Corps. Ango then tells Riichirou that he told him that they should use the Jugan. Ango then says that the battles will get serious since they will join the battle. Ango then says that he will join the front line, which Riichirou says that he will too.

The Personal Corps[]

Elsewhere, Jinsuke and Shimon are walking in a hall, when Shimon says that he didn't think that the Ogame School would get this strong. Jinsuke then tells Shimon to assemble the personal corps which Shimon asks if it okay to use them against the Ogame School. Jinsuke then says that its because the he has a strong connection to them and that this is his way of showing his love. Jinsuke then thinks about Gama showing his full strength after he defeated the power of the Jukan.

Thinking about the Personal Corps[]

Elsewhere, Kashitarou asks if they are at Jouka yet, which Gama tells him to shut up. Gama then thinks about how he is familiar with five members of the Personal Corps. Gama then thinks about how he won't be defeat until he defeats his father and rescues Naoyoshi.

Allies in Jouka[]

In Jouka, Kizaki returns to the headquarters and reveals that the outskirts of Jouka are crawling with Muhou Soldiers. Kizaki then asks when the others are going to get their, which Iori tells him that they will be hear soon. Kizaki then says that they can do pretty good by themselves, which Iori tells him to not be in a hurry and to wait for the others. Iori then says that the battle will begin soon.



Ogame School[]

Muhou School[]
